Friday, June 17, 2016

The Witching Hour - Do Hauntings Only Happen Between 9 pm and 6 am

By definition, the Witching Hour is actually at 3 a.m. That's when many middle aged and other people who have trouble sleeping suddenly wake from their sleep - wide awake! Yet according to the following video, which promotes the cramped but real life haunted objects museum owned by world-renowned paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren, in Connecticut, USA, evil lurks only at certain times of the day.


Queen symbolizes dominant feminine/yin
or dark/night energy

In the above mini-film, you will hear Ed Warren claim that the haunting hours are between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m., nightly. My personal experience is that haunting can happen any time of day or night, just like psychic ability. Yet when the lights dim and our own activities have typically slowed enough for us to become more observant about noises and thumps, we notice more paranormal things.

To make sure I’m not just regurgitating already known facts here (I am always refreshing my brain’s input, asking for more clarity on my beliefs about things) I am drawing a Tarot card and I'm asking whether hauntings are more likely to happen after dark.

Drawn is the Queen of Wands. What is leaping out at me from this card, as it relates to the question, is the fact that the Queen symbolizes dominant feminine energy. Night time is also dominantly feminine or yin. The dark hours are ruled by the moon, which controls our intuition and emotions, and since many people sleep during these hours – and sleep is controlled by our subconscious minds – we can be more in tune with paranormal suggestion at night. The conscious mind (which we use during normal daytime business) is much more critical and less willing to allow dreams and paranormal messages to come into our scope of reality.

Therefore, Tarot seems to be saying that it's true. Haunting hours are more noticeable at night.

Now I want to know more specifically if we (as people) simply NOTICE hauntings more at night or if they really happen more at a particular time. So I'm asking Tarot again ...

Justice is impartial and spirits
don't care what time of day it is.

Drawn is the Justice card. Here, Justice teaches us, the sword is double-edged, cutting both ways, impartially. That means spirits, demons,  and critters that make bumping noises in the night don't really care what time of day it is. 

According to this reading ... my beliefs ... that hauntings happen more at night only because that's when we notice them ... seems reaffirmed.